20 Interesting Facts about Panama

Panama City

Panama has great attractive as interesting facts for visitors. The fact of being a narrow Isthmus, with a rich fauna offers incredible characteristics.

Let’s see some interesting facts.

1. Panama, due to its geographical position, has the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south, contrary to other countries that, in the case of the Americas, have the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

2. The currency of use is the dollar, although the Panamanian is the balboa and it circulates up to B / 1.00, its symbol is used in documents, and the dollar and the balboa have the same value (only in Panama).

On the other hand, the symbol for balboa is B / and it will always be seen with a dot, like this B /. this is a mistake that takes many years).

3. From the top of the Baru Volcano you can see both oceans.

4. Panama Hat is not Panamanian, it is an Ecuadorian hat, the Panamanian hat is called “Sombrero Pintao”(Painted hat) and it is Intangible Heritage of Humanity, declared as such by UNESCO.

Different Sombreros Pintaos, one of the Interesting facts
Different Sombreros Pintaos (Pintao Hats).

5. Due to the narrowness of the Isthmus you can see, on the same day, the sunrise on the Pacific side and the sunset on the Atlantic.

6. In Panama City, you can go to the tropical forest, either in the Metropolitan Park or in the Ancon Hill.

7. The flag in Ancon Hill is 15m wide by 10m high. It is the largest flag in Panama, same width as that of a basketball court and it is allowed to fly 24 hours. Another flag that may be flied 24h is in the Cinta Costera.

Panamanian flag, the largest in the country, one of the Interesting facts
Panamanian flag, the largest in the country.

8. Panama has more bird species than in the United States and Canada together.

9. Panamá was the last country to emerge in America.

10. In Guna Yala, better known as San Blas, there are said to be 365 islands, one for each day of the year.

11. Panama is considered the Manhattan of Latin America, for the skyscrapers, hotels, financial entities among other things.

12. Panama was the first country in the world with an Interoceanic Railroad, this was due to the gold rush and the movement of settlers, a route from New York to California was sought in a safe and fast way. It was opened in 1855.

Current Interoceanic Railway of Panama.
Current Interoceanic Railway of Panama.

13. Taxis usually say “no voy” (I’m not going), it means “find another taxi”, which nobody likes.

14. In the supermarkets there are people who are responsible for packaging the products and if you wish, they take them to your car.

15. The Panamanian is a rice lover, there is no dinner or lunch without this ingredient.

16. The Golden Frog is endemic of Panama, it can be seen in El Valle de Anton, inside El Níspero there is an Amphibian Conservation Center where you can see a few.

Golden Frog, one of the Interesting facts
Golden Frog.

17. The Square Trees are endemic of Panama, they are also in the Valle de Anton, they can be seen on a trail next to the Hotel Campestre.

18. The tip is illegal to collect, but it is up to everyone if you want to leave it, you can do it.

19. The parties of companies and weddings have usually buffet, I have not gone to any that do not have it.

20. The food is accompanied with tajadas (slices fried ripe plantain) and in some cases ketchup (tomato sauce).

Extra: Panama offers free insurance to visitors for 30 days. Currently suspended.

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Humid tropical.
Humid tropical forest in the Metropolitan Park.

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